Secondary infertility is more common and emotionally painful, and it is defined as the inability to conceive another (not necessarily second) child successfully and naturally. When a childless couple is unable to conceive, they tend to seek treatment. However, couples who already have children and may be affected by secondary infertility are much less likely to do so because of the misconception that once you are fertile you will always be fertile

The Reasons for secondary infertility are ovulation disorders, endometriosis, pelvic adhesions, uterine fibroids, and polyps, diminished ovarian reserve

To Deal with Secondary Infertility, you should:

  1. Consider What’s Changed Since Your Child Was Born, the age, extra weight, taking new medicine, or having surgery
  2. Be Proactive About Seeking Medical Assistance from your doctor or a fertility specialist.
  3. Learn What Tests You Should Expect.
  4. Don’t Suffer in Silence.
  5. Focus on Now Be cautiously optimistic and face reality.
  6. Don’t turn sexual intercourse into a chore.

The Treatments for secondary infertility are the same as for primary infertility. Treatments may include Fertility drugs, Injectable fertility drugs, IUI, IVF, Surgery, usually laparoscopic surgery, to repair blocked fallopian tubes, or to remove fibroids or endometriosis deposits.