Normal vaginal discharge is often clear, white or yellow and thin or mucousy in consistency. Normal discharge may lack an odor or may have a neutral odor. When the vagina is in healthy balance, it should not smell unpleasant, burn, itch or hurt in any way. If you are concerned that your discharge is not normal, schedule an appointment with our gynecologists for a quick consultation; your physician will assist you in selecting the best oral medication, cream or suppository to improve your symptoms.

What are common cases of irregular vaginal discharge?

The three most common cases of irregular vaginal discharge are:

  1. 1. Bacterial vaginosis (BV)

    BV, caused by a number of different bacterium, is the most common cause of irregular vaginal discharge. 

    • Symptoms: Strong foul smell from the vagina and white, gray or green-yellow discharge.
    • Your partner may need to be seen by a physician as well.
  2. 2. Trichomonas vaginalis:

    Caused by trichomonas, a parasite that can be transmitted sexually or non-sexually.

    • Symptoms: Foul smelling discharge that is yellow-green in color. Trichomonas has similar symptoms to BV (above) however is often differentiated by burning, irritation, redness or swelling of the genital area.
    • Your partner may need to be seen by a physician as well.
  3. 3. Candida (Yeast Infection):

    The fungus (yeast) Candida is present in a healthy vagina with a balancing bacteria (lactobacillus). If this healthy balance is disrupted, an overgrowth of yeast may be produced causing a yeast infection. Potential causes of yeast infections include antibiotic use, pregnancy, diabetes, impaired immune system or anything that changes the amount of lactobacillus in the vagina. Candida will correct itself overtime and can most often go untreated as long as the symptoms are not bothersome.

    • Symptoms: Profuse whitish discharge, similar to the appearance of cottage cheese, with mild to severe itching.
    • Vaginal discharge is very easily treated with the correct medication.