Varicoceles may occur if a malfunction of the valves of the testicular vein causes blood to pool and enlarges the veins within the scrotum, the loose bag of skin that holds the testicles. The pooling of blood affects the circulation in the testes, changing the temperature and affecting the microenvironment of the testes. As a result, decreased sperm count, decreased motility and poor morphology may occur. Approximately 15% of the general population have varicoceles.

Varicocelectomy involves a small microsurgical procedure in which swollen veins are tied off while preserving the normal blood vessels.

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What are the benefits of completing a Varicocelectomy?

Performing a Varicocelectomy results in the greatest chance of repair for a varicocele and is the most common operation performed for Male Infertility.  The goals of varicocele repair are to relieve pain if present or improve pregnancy rates in couples with male factor infertility associated with varicocele. In 60 to 80 percent of men, varicocelectomy results in a significant improvement in semen analysis. In about 40% of cases, following a successful Varicocelectomy, spontaneous pregnancy is possible.

Performing a successful varicocelectomy will prevent any further damage to testicular hormone function and in a large percentage of men, will result in improved Leydig cell function.

Fakih IVF Fertility Center’s Urology department is led by Dr. Rupin Shah. With over 24 years of experience, Dr. Shah is an internationally recognized expert in the field of Male Infertility. To discuss possible treatment options, email our doctors or book an appointment at Fakih IVF Fertility Center today.