Dr. Ghada Fahmi Hussein

Consultant Reproductive Medicine and Infertility

  • Speciality

    IVF Physicians

  • Experience


  • Languages

    Arabic, English, Swedish

  • Locations

    Abu Dhabi

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About Dr. Ghada Fahmi Hussein

Dr. Ghada Hussein is a Consultant in Reproductive Medicine and Infertility with over 30 years of experience since 1993. She started off as a Resident doctor at Sadaam City Medical Office in Baghdad, Iraq. In 2003 she moved to Jordan to work as an Embryologist & IVF Lab Director in the fertility unit at Al- Amal maternity hospital.

Dr.Ghada received her Swedish License (legitimation) for practicing as a medical doctor on Marof 2010. Where she started working as an ST-Doctor in the OBGYN department of Norrland’s University Hospital and IVF-doctor at Umeå IVF-clinic until September 2011.

She started Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility sub-specialization in the IVF unit at Sahlgrenska university hospital in Gothenburg and the OB/GYN department of the central hospital in Karlstad, Sweden, and got her subspeciality in April/ 2020. She later became the Medical Director of Stockholm IVF Center in Stockholm/Sweden.

Among Dr. Ghada’s areas of expertise are Gynecology, Obstetrics – normal and high risk, gynecological and obstetric procedures, fertility and infertility – IVF, recurrent IVF failures, recurrent miscarriages, and gynecologic endoscopy.

  • B.CH.B. College of Medicine / University of Baghdad- 1993.
  • Sc. in Physiology/Reproductive from the College of Medicine- Baghdad University 1998.
Thesis title: Effect of fluorosis on Male reproductive system: A study on sperm Function Tests.
  • D. in reproductive physiology and (ART) Assisted Reproductive Technologies from the College of Medicine / University of Baghdad in collaboration with the IVF unit of Al-Amal Maternity Hospital in Amman/1999- 2002.
Thesis title: Effect of Sperm Source and Cryopreservation on the Outcome of in Vitro Fertilization.
  • 2010, March: legitimation to practice as a medical doctor in Sweden.
  • 2012: the Swedish Agency for Higher Education accepted my Ph.D. corresponding to Swedish Ph.D.
  • 2014, July: specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology approved by the Swedish Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Sweden.
  • 2017, may: granted GMC registration as an OBGYN specialist in the UK.
  • 2020, April: Reproductive endocrinology and fertility (IVF) subspecialist