Dr. Zakwan Khrait

Deputy Medical Director, Consultant Reproductive Medicine and Infertility

  • Speciality

    IVF Physicians

  • Experience

    20 years +

  • Languages

    EN, AR, FR

  • Locations


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About Dr. Zakwan Khrait

Dr. Zakwan Khrait joined Fakih IVF as a Consultant in Reproductive Medicine and Infertility with over 20 years of experience in the field. He is a board-certified expert in the field of IVF and Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). Dr. Khrait received his medical sub-specialty Certificate in Reproductive Medicine and IVF in France as a Fellow in the CHU Hospitals in Toulouse and Paris with five sub-specialty Diplomas in this field. His passion for education led him to obtain an MSc in Sexual and Reproduction Medicine from South Wales University, UK. Dr. Khrait was also the chief of IVF-Unite at the university hospital of Aleppo. He is the founder of the Dr. Khrait-IVF-Center in Aleppo, SYRIA, a center of excellence in the field of IVF. He continued his career for the last 7 years in UAE where he has been practicing in different roles and organizations. His love for his profession and reputation has resulted to outstanding success rates, which also brings recognition from his peers. Among his specialties are male infertility treatments and the endocrine causes of infertility, such as PCOS, obesity, and poor responder patients. He has over 14 scientific papers and abstracts to his credit, published in highly reputed indexed journals. Dr. Zakwan was chosen as one of the Humans of ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology) for the year 2020, where he is an accredited fellow.

ASRM: American Society of Reproductive Medicine, ESHRE: European Society of Reproductive Medicine and Embryology, SMR: French Society of Reproductive Medicine, MEFS: Middle East Fertility Society.