“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be beautiful. It begins with enjoyment.”

During the Holy Month of Ramadan, our routine, diet and sleeping patterns change… Sudden change in dietary habits combined with long periods of daily fasting can have a bad effect on our SKIN…

What impairs SKIN health?

  • Genes
  • Smoking
  • Excess alcohol
  • Sun exposure
  • Poor diet
  • Dehydration
  • Lack of sleep
  • Stress

Does eating better make you look better?

  • There is NO proven magical food to cure or prevent skin problems
  • There is NO strong evidence for chocolate and acne
  • Sugar-loaded desserts may cause pimples
  • A Balanced and varied diet filled with most food groups helps with skin elasticity and lusterless
  • Exercise improves blood flow to surface of skin

Vitamin A prevents skin dryness

  • Sources: carrots, green leafy vegetables (mloukhiyeh, spinach, tabouleh) and sweet potato

complex vitamins assist in premature aging and early wrinkles prevention

  • Sources: meat, legumes and whole grains

Vitamin E minimizes appearance of wrinkles and enhances cell   regeneration

  • Sources: nuts, seeds and vegetable oils

Vitamin C assists in skin integrity and glow

  • Sources: yellow and green vegetables, such as peppers, broccoli, orange, citrus fruits

Other Antioxidants – Zinc and Selenium

Protect and repair skin cells from pollutants

  • Sources: meat and seafood

Omega 3 fatty acids assist skin preservation

  • Sources: fish, flaxseed, nuts and seeds


Lack of liquids, heat, humidity, air conditioning…may all speed up sweat evaporation on skin, making it look dull and break out


  • 2 – 3 L/day for adults – 6 to 8 cups after Iftar + 2 cups at Suhur
  • Limit caffeine – diuretic, which encourages faster water loss, leaving a less than ideal amount of water in the body
  • Break your fast with:
  1.  2 cups of water
  2. Warm water + honey + fresh lemon
  3. Bowl of soup
  4. Fresh salad and yogurt

Did you know?

Our body absorbs only 50-60% of fruit juices, and 20-30% of sodas. Hence, WATER remains the optimal hydration drink solution!

Physical activity

Training while fasting can be more detrimental than beneficial, because of dehydration and low energy:

  • 2-3 hours after Iftar – IDEALLY!
  • Otherwise, an hour before Iftar
  • 30 min brisk-walk after dinner for fresher skin

Keep your skin GLOWING

  • Clean, tone, exfoliate and moisturize face and body – remove dead skin, restore skin natural minerals and balance oil production
  • Eye cream – minimize dark circles
  • Night cream – for a healthy nourished skin by day
  • Apply Sunscreen
  • 7- 8 hours of Sleep

By Ms. Ayla Coussa

Clinical Dietitian