Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Rare Knee Replacement Surgery at Bareen International Hospital saves a 78 year old Emirati man from leg amputation

A 78 year old Emirati man, Mr. Abdullah A.M., was referred to Bareen International Hospital by a well-known orthopedic surgeon, this patient had undergone a knee replacement surgery over 10 years ago and the effects of this surgery were starting to wear out leading to excruciating and intolerable pain. Mr. Abdullah A.M. went from doctor to doctor across the city and even visited a few of the specialized hospitals in Dubai – had was advised that the only solution was to have a revision for his knee replacement surgery.

However, due to his co-morbid conditions including renal kidney failure the doctors informed him that unfortunately he may end up with leg amputation if he cannot find any surgeon to perform this difficult knee surgery. Doctors and the medical team at Bareen Hospital were not convinced and investigated the case in depth over a period of time, and they were determined to find an alternative solution for this very high-risk patient. Dr. Rana Abou Mrad, Specialist Nephrology and Hypertension /Internal Medicine, did the necessary kidney treatment for the patient in preparation for surgery. In parallel, the Anesthesia Team led by Dr. Pierre-Yves Lequeux, Consultant Anesthesia, with the collaboration of his team members Dr. Talaat Elabd, Specialist Anesthesia/ICU and Dr. Saleh ElFedawim, Specialist Anesthesia agreed to perform Femoral Nerve Block Anesthesia minimizing the risk of the full anesthesia that was imposing a threat to the patients life. The whole team collaborated on this rare and fragile case under the supervision of the Medical Director Dr. Fadi Baladi, Consultant internal Medicine, and this delicate surgery was successfully performed by Dr. Oussama Chaar, Consultant Orthopedic Surgery then the patient was monitored by the ICU team led by Dr. Talaat Elabd, Specialist Anesthesia/ICU and our physical therapy expert, Mrs. Nadia Rose Portelli, Physiotherapist, handled the recovery of this patient and got him back on his feet only 18 hours after the surgery. 3 days later the patient was discharged and he says he will forever be grateful to the Bareen Hospital team for helping him overcome this pain and helping him get back on his feet especially that he was about to accept the decision of amputation. This one of a kind surgery, shows a unique collaborative effort by all department units at Bareen Hospital and Dr. Michael Fakih, Chairman of Bareen Hospital, says: “It is cases like these that truly make us stand out amongst other hospitals, our dedicated team work together on a cross-functional and patient-centered level to ensure that the best health practices for our patients.”

Click below to watch the video!!