We at Fakih IVF seek to spread awareness about PCOS to all beautiful women and help them lead their path to motherhood without any worries.

What is PCOS?

PCOS also known as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a common health problem caused by an imbalance of Reproductive hormones. The exact cause is unknown but it is due to the hormonal imbalance creates issues in the ovaries. The ovaries make eggs that are discharged every month as a component of a healthy menstrual cycle. With PCOS, the egg may not develop as it should or it may not be discharged during ovulation, as it should be.

Hormones involved in PCOS include:

Androgens:  All females make androgens (also referred to as “male or sex hormones”), but there are often higher levels of androgens in women with PCOS. Mostly the ovaries produce the excess androgens, but the adrenal glands can also be involved. Excess androgens are responsible for many PCOS symptoms including acne, unwanted hair, thinning hair, and irregular periods.

Insulin: This hormone allows the body to absorb glucose (blood sugar) into the cells for energy. The body may have a problem using insulin known as Insulin Resistance. This can lead to elevated blood glucose levels and cause the body to make more insulin. Having too much insulin can cause the body to make more androgens.

Progesterone: In PCOS, a lack of progesterone contributes to irregular periods. Progesterone is a hormone released by the ovaries. Changing progesterone levels can contribute to abnormal menstrual periods and menopausal symptoms. Progesterone is also necessary for implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus and for maintaining pregnancy.

 Symptoms of PCOS:

  • Weight gain and trouble losing weight
  • Acne: Hormonal changes related to androgens can lead to acne problems.
  • Thinning hair on the head: Hair loss related to PCOS may increase in middle age.
  • Irregular periods: Often women with PCOS have fewer than nine periods a year. Some women have no periods. Others have very heavy bleeding.
  • Mood Changes & Depression
  • Sleeping Disorders called sleep apnea, which is caused due to PCOS.  With sleep apnea, a person will stop breathing for short periods during sleep
  • Infertility: PCOS is a leading cause of female infertility. However, not every woman with PCOS is the same. Although some women may need the assistance of fertility treatments, others are able to conceive naturally.
  • Pelvic pain may occur during periods along with heavy bleeding

Lifestyle & Home Remedies:

Be Active: If you have PCOS, the most important thing is to increase your daily activity and participating in a regular exercise program may treat or prevent insulin resistance and helps to keep your body under control

Maintain a healthy weight:  Keep a check on your weight and try maintaining a healthy weight. Weight loss can reduce insulin and androgen levels and may restore ovulation.  Meet your dietician to keep your weight in control

Limit Carbohydrates: Low-fat, high-sugar weight control plans may build insulin levels. Get some information about a low-starch abstain from food in the event that you have PCOS. Pick complex starches, which raise your glucose levels all the more gradually

How does PCOS affect pregnancy?

  • Miscarriage
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Preeclampsia
  • Cesarean section (C-section)

PCOS is very common among women, visit your doctor once you find any of the symptoms mentioned above and always remember, “You are not ALONE, and it can be treated”