After years of trying to get pregnant naturally and with no success, we turned to a clinic in Dubai where we underwent several round of IUI and an IVF which failed at 9 weeks. The Doctor we were seeing didn’t know why it wasn’t working and seem totally uninterested in finding out and had no new ideas for us other than to keep on trying the same intense protocol.

After some research we made an appointment with Fakih IVF and have never looked back! What a different experience. Warm and friendly staff who clearly know their field of expertise and great surroundings. From the very first meeting with Dr Fakih we knew we had made the right decision. We were treated like wannabe parents not walking pots of insurance funding. Gone were the crazy amounts of injections I had been taking previously and instead, with some different thinking, we tried a natural cycle IVF with Dr Ghina which gave us a positive result! Then it was time for phase two….we knew from past experience that getting pregnant was only the first step and that staying pregnant is not always easy – this is where we met Dr Samer. Over the 36 weeks of my pregnancy, Dr Samer made us feel reassured, relaxed and able to enjoy the pregnancy – and even with some initial complications, not to be worried…all the way up to the delivery of our beautiful daughter Sophie.

Moving on a couple of years, we decided to go for it again and there was no doubt in our minds that we wanted Fakih IVF, Dr Ghina and Dr Samer to do what they do best. Slightly older now in age and fertility terms, it took a few attempts, but we never felt despondent because we knew we had a great team on our side who know their stuff and were able to think quickly and adapt where needed. We got the positive pregnancy test we wanted and then some – twins! Once again Dr Samer took us through the pregnancy – any initial worries we had about a multiple pregnancy were instantly taken away and again we were able to actually enjoy the experience.

So now thanks to #teamfakih we have 3 beautiful daughters and could not be happier. Would we try again? Never say never – but if we do, it will be Fakih IVF that we go to, without hesitation.

There is not a thank you big enough that we could say to the Doctors, Embryology team, Nursing team and support staff at Fakih IVF – from our initial meeting to recently taking our daughters in to say hello to everyone, the staff have been kind, friendly, professional, caring, encouraging and supportive – every step of the way.

Thank you to all Fakih IVF team in abu dhabi ,specially Dr Monica Chawla who helped us a lot to our dream came true after 4 years marriage.God Grace now we have 4 weeks old baby boy(Arya).I highly recommend this clinic for great service ,knowlege,and perfect medical assistance.

Thank you Dr Monica Chawla for everything and the bundle of joy you have give us

I just want to say thank you to Fakih IVF especially to my doctor, Dr. Monica Chawla. With her help, I was able to conceive twins and currently on my second trimester.We are so happy and blessed to have these babies.I would like to commend my doctor, the wonderful staff/nurses and the very good facilities that they have.Thank you for your support and encouragement to us throughout our journey.

Happy with twins! Many thanks to Dr. Monica and to her team!

Dear Dream Team, Yes because you are all contributing to the Realization of our dreams…. I had very bad Fibroid so I had to go through 10 years of unsuccessful Programm and surgery (8 in total). All doctors I met told me to do a Hysterectomy. But removing this organ was also removing the possibility of a miracle to happen, so i decided to keep it… I even forgot the idea of becoming pregnant one day until I came accross your Website… I thought your success rate was due to a selection of your patients, but taking care of my “case” (almost 40 with several surgeries on the Uterus and unsuccessful Treatment) showed me I was wrong. At this stage we knew you had something special. I ll never forget the day when you placed the fertilized egg back in me (06/04/2012) you told me “You’ll be pregnant”… You are just AMAZING !!! and this is what we tell us with my husband almost everyday by looking at our Baby boy growing. Your Increasing success rates despite welcoming new desperate couples who already experienced unsuccessful treatment shows how much uncreadibly good you are in what you do. Our European Doctors could learn sooo much from you, above all that nothing is never impossible. Please share your precious knowledge !!! I have no clue on how and what you do different rather than other doctors I met but you are definitely a pioneer in this science. Thank you for fulfilling our lifes with this unique Joy. Take care Vanessa

Dr. Monica and the entire support staff team (Other doctors,nurses and others) were extremely professional and experts at their work. In the first trial I have conceive!!Its also worth mentioning the facilities provided including room,snacks etc which helps one relax and I am sure it is also contributing to a higher success rate! Thanks Dr Monica, Thanks to all the staff, Thanks Fakih IVF! A very big thanks to God for guiding me to the right place and making everything work!!

Dear doctor Monika & staff,
We cannot thank you enough for making our dreams of becoming parents possible. We want to thank you for your kindness, honesty, and dedication. We felt like you were with us in every step of the way of our treatment. You did amazing work in our first IVF itself for its success. We thank God everyday for introducing you to us during our scary times. We want to thank u millions of times for forming our blessed blissful family.

Dear Dr. Monika,

Words cannot begin to thank you for all that you did for us. You made us feel comfortable during a time that was pretty scary for us. You are a great doctor with precise treatment techniques and we are so glad that you were the one to help us to achieve our goal of adding our beloved son to our family in our first IVF cycle. The staffs are amazing. You all made us feel comfortable and important! We will never forget what you were able to do for us. Once again, Thank you very much.

many thank for the wonderful services of all staff and specially Dr Monica,be pregnant now with twins after 1.5 year effort and 5 years of marriage.
thank you so much to make our dream come true.

Thank you to all Fakih IVF team in abu dhabi ,specially Dr Monica Chawla who helped us a lot to our dream came true after 5 years marriage.
I am pregnant with twin babies and we are so happy.
I highly recommend this clinic for great service ,knowlege,and perfect medical assistance.
many thanks for every thing
god bless you all.

After 2 failed IVF cycles with another clinic we turned to Fakih for our last try and it worked, we are now 14 weeks pregnant. Thank you Dr. Monikaa for all your help, but most importantly support and encouragement for being available after hours. The overall care from the entire team was outstanding and even now, that I have moved on to another Dr. the team is still in touch. Dr. Monikaa is the best.

Thanks to ALLAH and Dr. Monika with her team that after 6 years of marriage we finally have a baby boy. Dr. Fakih is very cooperative and nice.

Dr. Monika, you are the best.

at present into the third trimester of pregnancy, we are enjoying this fortune because of the wonderful team at Fakih ivf and the wholehearted support from Dr. Monica. After the first ivf cycle failed due to unknown reasons we decided to go for another cycle due to the encouragement and support from Dr. Monica which was a success. Needless to say, the entire staff from the reception to the operation theatre make one feel more relaxed. Thank you and love you all.

At present into the third trimester of pregnancy, we are enjoying this great fortune because of the wonderful staff at Fakih ivf and the wholehearted support from Dr. Monica.After one failed ivf cycle and no known problems with all encouragement from Dr. Monica we decided to try once again which turned out to be successful. Her timely intervention and great support made all this possible. Needless to say, the friendly staff from the reception to the operation theatre makes you feel very relaxed.Thank you and love you all.

Alhamdulillah to God and with the great assistance of these clinic. My healthful thanks to Dr Bouhaira for amking the miracle happen and she told me you will surely get pregnant,I insisted on 3 egg transfer but she advice 2egg and as faith would have it, I had just 2 good quality at the age of 41years. I am presently 11 weeks pregnant with Twins. You all in Fakih ivf has made the impossible possible. A smile on a lot of parent. I will forever be thankful to Fakih ivf team

First of all i would like to thank GOD, Dr. Monica and the whole team of fakih ivf For their hard work of getting me and my husband pregnant. I am married for 6years and had no children i tried different treatments in abudhabi and india to conceive naturally but it never worked out for me until we decided to go for ivf in fakih.To those who are still struggling to get pregnant via ivf please do not give up no matter how many failing cycles you had. I had failing cycles but thanks to GOd and Dr.Monica who always came upwith different findings and treatment of making things work out. She will not let you get dissapointed she never give up. Thank GOd am 4 months pregnant with twins. i will highly recommend you Dr.Monica she will always be there for you and answer your questions just give it a try i promise you wont be dissapointed.

We started our only ivf journey with Fakih hospital as well as with Dr.Monika Chawla on 2011 end. From that time we have undergone 3 fresh cycle and 3 frozen cycle, 2 laparoscope surgeries, 2 miscarriages. I was literally loosing my hope day by day. But for Dr.Monica I believe each failure is a case study , she tried hard to give that wonderful moment to us. Finally on june,2015 our little miracle born. My hearty thanks to Dr.Monica and team.

We would like to thank Dr. Monika and all the staff of Fakih Centre in Abu Dhabi! The treatment before and after the IVF procedure went smoothly thank to Dr. Monika’s professionalism and firm belief in success! Obviously, there is always a queue in the Centre to visit Dr.Monika and i would recommend taking a book and some snacks with you while waiting for your turn and try to be positive because next time it can be you who Dr.Monika is busy with while everybody is waiting! Now we are happily growing with twin pregnancy 🙂

They say angels live in heaven but we found one of them on earth. Dr. Monika Chawla – she gave us the gift of our own life in Ian. In was only through Dr. Monika who encouraged us not to give up , that we have a bundle of immense joy in our arms today. Thank you Dr. Monika for your support , for the quick feedback whenever we had our doubts and your kind understanding. For all couples waiting for their bundle of joy, we will always keep you in our prayers. Believe God has opened doors to give yoo your miracle. Do not loose hope. Thank You FMC.

I am still pinching myself everyday to believe that I am pregnant! It has been a long journey, but Dr. Monika has been there every step of the way. Thank you so much for your knowledge, patience, and believing it could happen for us. It is so great that we finally found a doctor who genuinely cares about the patient.

Thank you Dr. Monika

Our little miracle…….wouldn’t have been possible without Monika Ma’am Fakihivf

I had four miscarriages before seeing Dr.Monica Chawala @Fakih IVF. I had consulted many doctors in UAE and India about my miscarriages, but none of them could identify the reason for the miscarriage. We did all the possible test, including chromosomal test to identify the reason. However, all the test came as negative. Every time when I get pregnant, I will miscarry within 10 weeks. Finally, I thought of quitting my Job and go to India for the treatment before becoming pregnant again. At this Juncture, my husband came to know about Dr.Monica Chawala in Fakih IVF center and informed me that we will go to this hospital as a final try before going to India. We met Dr.Moncia Chawla and during the first visit itself, she suspected that there is a possibility of a septum in my uterus, and requested us to do the hysteroscopy procedure. I went through the procedure, and she found a huge septum and removed it. Now I’m in my sixth month of my pregnancy expecting a baby girl. I thank god for showing Fakih IVF team and Dr.Monica Chawala, who was so kind and provided us the emotional support during these days. May God continue to bless Fakih IVF team and help them to provide more care and solutions to many patients who are suffering with pregnancy issues.

Dear Madona, Hope you are fine. I just want to inform you that my pregnancy was fine. I left dubai in July 2014 and went to germany. I delivered my baby on 8.February 2015 in week 41. My baby’s name is Laith. I want to thank you and your team for your efforts and kindness and for the second successful ivf through your center. I will never forget you and i am happy for the decision i made in choosing your center in dubai. Good bless you. Take care and thank you.

After 8 years of patience and after many failed attempt of IVF, I finally welcomed my baby (Girl) into the world in 10 January 2015. In 2013 I read about the Fakih IVF, and i did IVF in 2014 and the treatment was done by my favorite Doctor by Dr. Moinikaa Cawla, I would like to thank her for making our dream come true, I strongly recommend anyone for visiting Fakih IVF and specially Dr. Moikaa.

Dr. Ahmad, Just wanted to update you we are now 21 weeks pregnant – anxious, excited and very happy at the same time. I have started to feel him move, yes him! It’s a boy! Thank you again for making our dream come true. All these would have been impossible without your help. Best regards, Kristine

I have no words to thank Dr Fakih and his team in Dubai. He had promised me that by the end of 2013 I would have my baby and he was right! We were successful on the second attempt and got a double-blessing. Dr Amal did the trick for us. We were delighted with the treatment we got from Dr Amal, Dr Samer (gynae), Xenia (nurse) and the reception ladies. I will never have enough words to thank you guys for my little ones who are now just starting to walk! I would say that some members of staff need more customer relations training but at least you get the results!!

Never give up! We finally welcomed our son into the world in December. Using PGD testing seemed to work for us in the end. We had almost given up hope and emotionally I could not face another miscarriage but this time we were lucky and our son is the most precious thing. We thank Fakih in particular Dr Monika for helping our dream come true. We shall see you next time for baby number two.

“Miracles do really happen”. There is a great joy when the waiting is finally over and one is rewarded with priceless gift, yes the Gift of Life. Nov.16, 2014, a very memorable day indeed as this was the day we welcome and receive our great miracle and bundle of joy, Anezka. Words can’t express how much the happiness and love we feel as parent towards our precious newborn child. So grateful to our Almighty GOD and to the Fakih Family who has been like our second family and been with us through this wonderful, meaningful journey. Special thanks to Dr. Ghina, Dr. Roya and Xenia ;D Thanks for the tender love and care you showed to us. May you touch more lives and we wish you all the best. Cheers to life! – Eduard, Cherry & Anezka