March can be challenging for those struggling to conceive or those amid fertility treatment. Mother’s Day can be a harrowing reminder of what they are going through.
Infertility is difficult to cope with on a typical day, let alone a day where everyone celebrates the very thing you are desperate to accomplish.
Those still hopeful that they will conceive can also feel particularly sensitive, hopeless, and frustrated on Mother’s Day.
Many people find comfort in being patient and knowing their time will eventually come. However, Mother’s Day can cause underlying negative emotions to resurface, which can be challenging to manage on a day when you are supposed to feel “happy.”
It can make individuals feel alone, forgotten, and left out.
Everyone else will be celebrating having had their live babies, and here I am, a mother without a child.
While it’s easy to skip a Mother’s Day brunch in person, it’s not always easy to pass on the Mother’s Day celebrations online. From the constant cheerful advertising to the picture-perfect photos from ‘mom influencers,’.

There are things you can do to help emotionally prepare yourself for the day and practical strategies to counteract the potential scenarios that couples or individuals might be feeling anxious about.
If you begin to plan, you will feel more in control and able to care for yourself.

  • Remember that you are not alone. Many women and couples are likely going through a similar situation.
  • Give up all feelings of guilt. Release your emotions, so you can allow yourself to cry or do whatever feels right.
  • Say no to social engagements that could be stressful and say yes to a feel-good activity.
  • Disengage from uncomfortable conversations. And plan how you will answer uninvited questions about your feelings.
  • Communicate with your partner to let them know your feelings or spend meaningful time with loved people who understand.
  • Avoid grandiose negative thinking and lean on hopeful feelings. It is normal for feelings and emotions to fluctuate from hopefulness to solemn negativity; acknowledge how you feel in the moment and keep going.
  • Focus on what you are doing right now on your fertility journey.

Remember that overcoming infertility on Mother’s Day can be challenging, but you are not alone. Take comfort that many others are experiencing similar emotions and know it is okay to release your feelings and cry. Say no to stressful engagements and plan feel-good activities. Communicate with your partner or spend time with loved ones who understand. Avoid negative thinking and focus on the positives of your fertility journey. Above all, be kind to yourself and remember you are strong, resilient, and deserving of love and support.