“There is no greater joy nor greater reward than to make a fundamental difference in someone’s life”

It gives us great pleasure to receive a wonderful testimonial and beautiful pictures from Allison and her family. She was kind enough to share with us her IVF journey so it may shed some hope to couples who might be going through the same experience…

“My husband and I had been married 8 years when we decided to add children to our family. After months of trying my husband was diagnosed with Azoospermia and learned that IVF was our only option if we wanted our own children. At this point, we had moved to Saudi Arabia for my husband’s job. I heard about Fakih IVF after doing extensive research on clinics near to Saudi that had a high success rate and that would allow for me to do IVF even if we lived in Saudi Arabia. I visited with Dr. Fakih and was really impressed with his genuine interest in helping us, he seemed to really care about our situation even though I am sure he as many other patients that he sees. The clinic was really great about communicating with me as I traveled back and forth from Saudi to Dubai.

Our first child using IVF was born in December 2013 and we named her London Noelle. She is a sweet, shy and beautiful little lady that loves to sing, jump and read books. We felt our family was not complete yet and decided to try for another child once London was a little over 1 years old. Again, we chose to use Fakih IVF because we had had such a positive experience for our first child. This time, though we decided to stay in Dubai for our treatment as that would be easier on me. We put 2 embryos in and did genetic testing on them to ensure the best quality, learning that the embryos were a male & female. A few weeks later we found out we were pregnant with the twins! Isla Juliette & Grainger Mackenzie were born at 35 weeks and are two of the most beautiful additions to our family! Isla is funny and mischievous while Grainger is serious, sweet and loves to cuddle.

My husband and I are thrilled with both of our IVF experiences with Fakih IVF, we have been blessed with our sweet 3-year-old daughter, London, and our now 1-year-old twins, Isla & Grainger, who keep us on our toes! Dr. Fakih and our nurses, Madonna (2013) & Pascal (2015), were all amazing for each IVF experience. They took the time to answer all our questions and seemed genuinely interested in reassuring us and encouraging us throughout the whole experience.

Thank you so much for changing our family in the most miraculous of ways, we are forever grateful for the twins and our