Making New Year’s resolutions marks a new beginning, whether a couple has tried to get pregnant for a few months or years, they can make resolutions that can improve their health, manage their stress, and, in certain situations, boost their fertility. If you’re trying to get pregnant, small lifestyle changes can have a big impact. Here are 6 New Year’s Resolutions that can help to increase your chances of growing your family in 2020.

1- Do Not Blame Yourself & Love Yourself More

When you’re going through something like infertility, it’s easy to place blame on yourself. Do not do this! Whether you think you ate the wrong way, drank too much, or waited too long to start trying. Whatever it is, this way of thinking will not do you any good. This is a time to love yourself and to be kind to yourself and when you remain positive, you feel better, have a healthier outlook – all of which can only help your chances of becoming pregnant.

2- Weight Loss  

Shedding those excess pounds has been clinically proven to have a host of overall health benefits. Did you know among them is enhanced fertility? It’s true. In fact, some studies have even shown that up to 30% of infertility cases are due to overweight or underweight. If you want to boost your fertility and weight loss is on your resolution list this year – stick with it.

3- Exercise  More

Have you ever been inside a gym on January 1? They’re packed! This resolution is also high on the list because it coincides with those weight loss goals everyone’s setting. Aside from its help with losing excess body weight, increasing your physical fitness can also have a positive effect on fertility. From stress reduction to hormone regulation, a regular and moderate exercise routine is a great way to make sure you and your partner are doing all you can to help the process along.

4- Eat Healthy 

The great news is that consuming a healthy diet rich in colorful fruits and vegetables can also have a positive effect on fertility. Focus on integrating more fatty fish, whole grains, dark leafy greens and berries into your diet. It’s among the ways to help protect your body from inflammation and the free radical damage it can cause to sperm in men and PH levels in women. Both are significant factors in getting pregnant as well as sustaining viable pregnancies and eventually, delivering healthy babies.

5- Quit Smoking 

Many studies have found links to smoking and impaired fertility. Infertility rates in both male and female smokers are twice as high as those who do not smoke. If you smoke, it can be harder to become pregnant, carry a healthy pregnancy, and deliver a healthy baby. Smoking can cause damage to a woman’s eggs and fallopian tubes, and there is also an increased risk of miscarriage. For men, smoking has detrimental effects on sperm in several different ways. Regular smokers can experience lower sperm count numbers as well as a higher rate of abnormally-shaped sperm, which decreases the amount of healthy sperm available to fertilize an egg. For the remaining healthy sperm, smoking may hinder sperm movement, making egg fertilization more difficult to achieve.

6- Meet a Fertility Expert

When trying to conceive, women aged 35 and younger should consider a visit to a fertility specialist after one year trying to conceive. For those who are older than 35 begin their fertility journey by visiting with a fertility specialist after 6 months of trying to conceive. In either case, it’s important for women and their partners to understand that it sometimes takes time and patience to conceive, but assistance should be sought within a reasonable timeframe. Waiting for years to pass before considering fertility testing isn’t the answer, especially if your fertility issue can be treated effectively. And Consider if fertility preservation or egg freezing is applicable.

Fakih IVF center is one of the leading infertility centers in the region. At Fakih IVF each couple is assessed and a treatment plan is designed specifically for them. For more information please call us on 800 FAKIH(32544) or visit